
Benefits HCFA TEAM February 16, 2023

Welfare allowance

The Welfare Disability Allowance is paid to uninsured and indirectly insured persons who are not covered by a special welfare financial assistance programme and who, due to physical, mental or psychological illness or disability, are incapable of exercising a gainful occupation for 67% or more, according to the opinions of the KEPA.

Persons who are employed and are therefore obliged to be directly insured by a public insurance institution, not are not entitled to this benefit.

For its granting, an application together with the necessary documents is required, which is submitted to the Social Welfare Directorates of the competent Prefecture and is accompanied by the Certificate of the KEPA.

Aerotherapy allowance

From 2018, the aerotherapy allowance is granted to all insured patients with a disability rate of 67% for the period from 1/6 to 31/8 of each year.

The amount of the allowance shall be fixed at 200€ in a lump sum each year(EOPY EOPYY, Government Gazette 4898/1-11-2018, article 46).

The application can also be submitted electronically in the Health Insurance File (HIF).

  • A Declaration under Law 1599/1986 stating that the insured person has not received and will not receive the benefit from another Social Security Institution, the State, etc. and has not been hospitalized in a hospital (state or private) for more than forty-six (46) days during the period from 1 June to 31 August.
  • Certificate of a doctor of a hospital (a hospital of the NHS, a university, a military hospital, a non-profit nursing institution of a non-profit NGO, contracted clinics and M.H.A.-M.T.N.), who has a relevant specialty and certifies the condition and the continuation of treatment for the restoration of their health during the period of time as defined above.
  • A decision of a Health Committee or a KEPA, showing the degree of disability.
The final deadline for submitting the required documents for the award of the aerotherapy allowance for the year 2023 is 29/2/2024. To see the decision of EOPYY with the required documents for the year 2023 click here.

To apply online for the air therapy benefit, visit the Health Insurance File (HIF) website here and click “Log in to the service”. After you enter the Health Insurance Folder, select “Individual benefit claims” from the list on the left, then click “Submit”. Then in “Request Subject” select “AIR THERAPY” from the list and fill in your personal details. Finally, you will need to attach the required documents that are displayed (medical certificate, solemn declaration, decision of KEPA, photocopy of your IBAN bank account) and after filling in all the required fields, you can click on “Submit Request” to complete the process.
Here you can find photos of the steps to apply for the benefit online.

Food allowance

Only Cystic Fibrosis patients who have undergone a lung transplant and those on the waiting list for a solid organ transplant (lungs, pancreas, liver, heart, etc.) receive the monthly nutritional allowance.

Based on Ministerial Decision A2c/5014 (Finance and Health of 19.7/13.8.82 (B΄591), kidney patients in the last stage of chronic renal failure are entitled to a nutritional allowance to meet their nutritional needs. By Ministerial Decisions Y1/GP.οικ.84391/27.6.2007 (Government Gazette 1165/11.7.2007 Vol. B) and Y1/GP. οικ. 38764/29.3.2012 (Government Gazette B΄1239/11.4.2012), heart, liver, lung, bone marrow, stomach, spleen, pancreas, pancreatic islets, intestine (large or small), liver, kidney or those who have undergone a multivisceral transplant have been added to the beneficiaries. By Commission Decision No. D12a/106717 (Government Gazette B’ 6866/08.12.2023), beneficiaries have been added to those who are in waiting list of the National Transplantation Agency or a foreign Transplantation Agency for the transplantation of at least one of the following organs: stomach, spleen, pancreas, pancreatic islets, intestine (colon or small intestine), liver, heart and lungs, with the same amount that the beneficiaries already receive, as adjusted and applicable each time.