12th European Congress on Rare Diseases ECRD 2024

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12th European Congress on Rare Diseases ECRD 2024 HCFA TEAM May 11, 2024

12th European Congress on Rare Diseases ECRD 2024

The 12th European Congress on Rare Diseases ECRD 2024 will take place on 15-16 May 2024. This is the largest patient-led policy-making event on rare diseases in Europe. The event is fully hybrid for the first time. The conference is organised by Eurordis- Rare Diseases Europe in co-organisation with Orphanet and the support of AFM Telethon and the Health Programme of the European Union.

As the President of our Association and Board Member of Eurordis- Rare Diseases Europe, Anna Spinou, says, “With more than 1,000 participants, the conference is a great opportunity to network and share valuable knowledge in the rare disease community. The Conference will contain current policy dynamics into integrated actions for the next group of EU policy makers and leaders. Discussions will be held on topics such as early diagnosis, accessibility and affordability of treatments, mental health, research and innovation, national strategies and access to highly specialised care. The Conference is organised under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency and will conclude with the production of a joint, open letter to the EU institutions and country leaders, providing a legacy for the future of the newly elected EU leadership.”

The conference will be subtitled in 12 languages, including Greek, so that it will be accessible and inclusive for all participants. See the detailed programme and register at the conference website https://www.rare-diseases.eu/register/