We are pleased to announce the organization of a 3-day Conference “Physiotherapy & Exercise in Cystic Fibrosis” which will take place 8 & 9 May in Thessaloniki and 10 May in Athens.
Dear friends,
We are pleased to announce the organization of a 3-day Conference “Physiotherapy & Exercise in Cystic Fibrosis” which will take place 8 & 9 May in Thessaloniki and 10 May in Athens.
In this conference involving both specialized CF scientists from abroad (Brompton/ Southampton) and clinics by adults and children in Athens and Thessaloniki. There will be lectures, discussions and personalized Sessions Counselling various issues. Of particular importance will be the presentation for the first time in Greece the subject “Exercise as a therapeutic tool in CF”, a new trend has begun to expand abroad.
You will be able to proceed in free subscriptions until May 6, while depending on the interest of the individual session you can contact the doctor analog of the organizing committee.
Place of the conference:
8th-9th May: Thessaloniki, Metaxa Auditorium, Paediatric Clinic of General State Hospital of Thessaloniki “Hippocrates”
10th May: Athens, Choremio Research Auditorium, “Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital in Athens
To register, please fill in the form:
In Thessaloniki Conference on 8 & 9 May 2015:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/i-tickets-16552504988 -
In Athens Conference on 10 May 2015:
For information, please contact with:
The Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association
(Patients & families, healthcare professionals & students-Athens)
- Northern Greece Association of Parents and Guardians of CF patients
(Patients & families, healthcare professionals & students-Thessaloniki)
To participate in the private sessions, please contact:
–Elpida Hatziagorou 3rd Paediatric clinic of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
(for adult and child patients in Thessaloniki)
Tel.: (0030) 2310-892435 (9:00–12:00), Email: elpcon@otenet.gr
-Athanasios Kaditis, Child Pulmonologist , “Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital in Athens
(for child patients only in Athens)
Tel.: (0030) 210-7467006 (09:30-14:00), Email: akaditis@med.uoa.gr
-Filia Diamantea, Sismanogleio General Hospital
(for adult patients only in Athens)
Tel.: (0030) 213-2058408 (11:00-15:00), Email: cystic@sismanoglio.gr
To participate in the free examination for scoliosis-kyphosis
Tatiana Drakopoulou-The Bone Health Association “Butterfly”
-Tel: (0030) 213 2086697
-Mob: (0030) 694 4864969
-site: www.osteocare.gr